Thursday, December 15, 2011

Over the course of the last year, I've been able to read several small books of poetry published in 1959 by Three Penny Press and the Unicorn Bookshop in Los Angeles.

These books were edited by Grover Haynes, and some of the poems were hand lettered by Rosie Haynes.

Each volume also features artwork by various people. Does anyone know anything about Three Penny Press and Grover and Rosie Haynes?

Here are some of the titles:
  Split from Twinkling Hell by Maurice Lacy

  Lawerence Lies Crucified by John Fles

  A Passing Dragon by Lenore Kandel

And two collections:

Beat and Beatific (3 volumes)

Beards and Brown Bags (2 volumes)

One editorial preface makes the following statement:

  Our main sources of poetry are the poetry readings
  that are conducted at coffee houses in Los Angeles,
  Venice West, and San Francisco...

Another preface reads:

  ...the curiosity of the nation was aroused a few years
  ago by a newspaper account of a new type of human
  arising on the San Francisco scene, the "Beatnick."
  ... The Three Penny Press has discovered writings
  and artifacts from the kingdom of beatdom...


I enjoy some of the poetry and art in these books, but they also provide a window on Southern California beat subculture in the late 1950's.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Copies of The Oasis of Ladders are now available

Copies of the first edition of The Oasis of Ladders are still available. If you have any questions about the book or the poems, please send them.
And if you're a poet and would like to discuss poetics and related ideas,
this is a place to talk.